This is for your kind information, that 03/05/2011 , I had filed a RTI application asking the information that whether the BPL Card issued by the Food and Civil Supplies is enough for availing the benefit of Health Department.(RTI Application attached)
The department furnished ,that the BPL Card issued by Food Department is not enough to get benefit from Health Department. The applicant has to submit the certificate of BPL issued by DESME.(Reply attached)

Now, the question arises,
1)why the BPL card issued by Food Department cannot be entertained as proof of BPL in Health matter?
2) Do health department thinks the CARD issued by Food Department are forged?
3)Do people under BPL has to obtained BPL certificate from every department ?
4)Will the authority explains why there is no co-ordination between the govt. agency themselves ?
5) Which department’s certificate is valid and acceptable to all department in case of BPL proof
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