Monday 30 May 2011


A memorandum of understanding is signed between the State Institute of Capacity Building (SICB) and Amos Chhetri Enterprise (ACE) on 27th May 2011 for undertaking the Integrated Industrial Workshop on Food and Beverage Services at Karfectar and Kolkata for 15 and 30 days respectively. The SICB earlier selected 50 trainees from South Sikkim for undergoing the above training. All the trainees will be placed at Specialty Restaurant Limited at Metro Cities in India and abroad with a minimum earning of 6,500/- per month with Insurance, Medi-claim, and Provision Fund provisions. The trainees will also be provided free food during working hours.

The specialty restaurant will again take batch of 50 trainees after 45 days. Therefore, the SICB has started contacting the panchayat and the other agency to inform the eligible candidates. The minimum qualification required for undergoing this training is class VII passed and above between the age group of 18 – 23.

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