Thursday, 2 June 2011


Though the land revenue and natural disaster management has given the statement regarding the 31580 fake COI or domicile holders in the state till today the department is totally failed to furnish the 5%fake COI holders in the state within nine month. According to the statement of the department Mr. ganga ram rai of mamring south Sikkim has filed an RTI regarding to disclosed or furnish all the 31580 COI holders of the state. on 24th October 10 the chief information commission has ordered to provide the all fake documents holders name and if department is mot in position to provide all names in single phase the department shall provide the name in phase wise. from October to may four times the department has provide the fake COI holders list but unfortunately less than five hundred names is furnished by the department out of 31580 names. By seeing this type of response and too much long process and time to receive the total list again Mr. rai has appealed before the department on 26th April to provide all remaining names in single phase.regurding the matter the land revenue department refusing to provide the whole figure at a time. Again Mr. rai has appealed before chief information commission to furnish the name list within ninety days. chief information commission has ordered the both party Mr. gangaram rai and the SPIO of the land revenue and natural disaster department to present before his office on 23rd June for hearing .in other side on 26th may 11 the department has furnished the fourth phase of the list contained the eight names of fake COI holders from west Sikkim ,four from south district and one from east district with total 13 fake COI holders .according to the report eight fake COI holders of the west Sikkim was from two family and issued in the year of 1991,1995,1996,2001,nd 2008.south Sikkim four fake COI holders was from one family issued in the year of 1995,1996 and 2001.lone east district fake COI holders is was issued on august 1995.all these fake COI is cancelled in this year i.e2011.

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