After 15 years again the dried nagi pokhari is going to refilled with clean water .nagi pokhari falls under rateypany namthang constituency under south Sikkim was filled full water in the decade of 80.but after that slowly the water goes dry and from some year it was seen like a mini ground. with the special inneatives of mla cum building and housing minister Mrs. tilu gurung and BDO namthang Mr. robin sewa again the water is going o filled from the natural resources of nakdhunge harkote resources nine km from nagi in the steep hills. According to Mr. Mohan Singh tamang Panchayat secretary the fund under the NERAGA and BRGF is completed up to 7 km and is fitted with water pipe rest four km work is under robin sewa BDO namthang talking to this correspondent specially thanked Mr. anil kumar ganeriwal secretary and dr sandip tambey special secretary RMDD for giving valuable suggestation and support. According to Mr Sewa the day is a historical day for all the residents of this constituency that again the water is going to refilled. today the special puja and installation of siwling and nag dewta was organised where Mrs. tilu gurung minister has participated ,after puja mrs gurung

pan>asked that this day is a historical day for namthang area and gives special thanks and congratulation to all the workers ,staff and officers ,residents to support in this mission. After completely refilled five crores litre water may be stored. And it may solve the drinking water problems also for the namthang residents.mrs gurung minister suggested to plant forest fruit plant in the area .Mr. b s tamang range officer namthang assured to start the plantation work immeadetly.
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